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Month: October 2021

Windows 11 first thoughts

Windows 11 first thoughts

I installed Windows 11 on my personal laptop last night because I like to try new things. Some people see an update to Android, or to a program they use, and fear having to learn the changes, or to make things comfortable again. But I am the reverse – if something can be changed, I want to try it out. Every review that I have seen says something like “It’s not finished yet” which is true, so I will ignore…

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Measuring GDP is the wrong measure

Measuring GDP is the wrong measure

I wrote recently about how the USA is a third world country by a lot of measures, and that it ranks low in most other comparisons with developed, healthy countries. You can read more about that here: Is the US a third world country? I feel commended now that Andrew Yang’s new Forward Party has said something similar. Here’s what they say on their “American Scorecard” page: You can’t fix something if you’re not measuring the right things. Right now,…

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Incongruous thinking about the EU

Incongruous thinking about the EU

Some people believe, not inaccurately, that the people of the US are guilty of ignoring the rest of the world. As I discussed in an earlier post, if Americans knew how good the Scandinavians have it, they would not be voting the way they vote, or stomping around about the superiority of their country. The same is true of Britons. They vote against their best interests all the time, but the voting system there also reduces the need for compromise…

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