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Category: Politics

Google, Antitrust and Google’s terrible decisions

Google, Antitrust and Google’s terrible decisions

This post and the last are weirdly timed. Last week, I wrote about how Google make terrible business decisions that harm their long-term success. I said, interestingly, that since around 2011, Google has failed to make any new business models work. And this week, the US Department of Justice trial against Google started in earnest. The Verge has a great podcast episode about it, describing some of the arguments that are being made on each side. Although their description of…

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Vote for Will Stewart in Manchester NH Mayor election: September 19, 2023

Vote for Will Stewart in Manchester NH Mayor election: September 19, 2023

On September 19 this year, we vote for our next Mayor. I genuinely believe our best option is Will Stewart because his policies reflect the reality on the ground. There is another good candidate, but Will’s policies go that little bit further beyond what is some candidates believe will be politically tolerated, towards what is actually needed, will work, and what is supported by the evidence. For example, we know that most of the Western world has a lack of…

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