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Month: September 2022

How to choose between an iPhone 14 or Pixel 7

How to choose between an iPhone 14 or Pixel 7

I have owned Androids ever since the original HTC Desire. I had Nexus phones, and now a Pixel 5. Since I abandoned Nokia, long before their ill-fated liaison with Microsoft, I have never been tempted to get an Apple device. Until now. I have a few things that consume me personally. One is a desire to know things and understand them. When I first saw the web, I was struck by how I didn’t know how web pages were created….

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Endorsement for Paul Krautmann (New Hampshire Democratic Primary 2022)

Endorsement for Paul Krautmann (New Hampshire Democratic Primary 2022)

We are rapidly approaching the New Hampshire Democratic Primary 2022, so time for some more opinions. Maggie Hassan is wrong on: Healthcare reform Military spending Freedom Taxation of the wealthy Climate change The only candidate for the 2022 Democratic Primary who believes in universal healthcare, reducing military spending so that we don’t create a violent world, taxation of all fairly, and stopping climate change, is Paul J Krautmann. Vote for Paul Krautmann on September 13th, 2022 at your local Democratic Primary polling…

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