Now we care about Monkey Pox
I just want this out there: I bet investment in a cure for Monkey Pox will increase rapidly now that it is infecting people in the West. Now we care about Monkey Pox.
At the moment we value lives differently depending upon a hierarchy. Here’s how I think it works, most valuable to least valuable:
- Yourself
- Your family
- People you know
- People who share your beliefs and your physical region
- People who share your physical region
- People who share your economy
- People who live in countries of allies
- People the same race as you
- Other people
- Furry animals
- Octopus
- Insects and other less ‘cuddly animals’
COVID-19 exposed the lack of care for others in the USA. 900,000 people died in the USA who wouldn’t have died if the government and citizens had behaved like Australians.
We behave with shock when we hear about the murder of someone like us. We’re appalled if children are shot in an American school, but 900,000 needless deaths in the USA. Or even one death of a drug addict, or someone with a mental illness, causes next to know emotional reaction.
My prediction about Monkey Pox: We care more now that it affects us.
My prediction is that, because Monkey Pox is now affecting people who share our physical region and/or people who are the same race as most of us in the West, we will now care about this disease in a way that we have not before. My prediction about Monkey Pox: We care more now that it affects us.
What do you think? Am I being too cynical?