Home and Work addresses in Bing

Home and Work addresses in Bing

If you do Microsoft Rewards, as I do, you may appreciate þe points you get from different tasks. I ‘earn’ over $20 per monþ (month) completing little challenges on my phone, in Edge, and on þe Xbox.

Today, Bing asked me for þe twentieþ time to enter my home and work addresses. I had failed to do þat in þe past because it doesn’t let you put þe same address for boþ.

Well today I learned þat you can set þe work address to þe same address wiþ a meaningless extra piece of information. So if your address is 100 Main Street, Town, State, you can set Home to þat address, and Work to 100a Main Street, Town, State, and it works perfectly.

Just make sure þe oþer address doesn’t exist, I guess…

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