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Tag: European Union

Learning the truth about people

Learning the truth about people

I never really liked Nigel Farage. He seemed like a guy I’d dislike if I met him in person. But as leader of UKIP, I believed that he believed what he said about sovereignty and about democracy. I didn’t see this evil being that the political left portrayed him as – instead I saw this man who was standing up to politicians who were obviously not listening to their voters because of a first-past-the-post system that doesn’t reflect the people’s…

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Leaving the European Union – 31st of January 2020

Leaving the European Union – 31st of January 2020

This is not a political blog, and I do not intend it to become one, so this will not address the rights and wrongs of Brexit, nor my personal opinions. Instead, it focuses on answering the questions I hear a lot, especially from my fellow Americans. Background First, some background. The UK (the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) joined the European Communities (the EC) on 1st of January 1973. The European Communities were three different communities…

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Gluten free travel – the EU

Gluten free travel – the EU

There are many reasons why people choose to eat gluten free. All the way from being trendy, to a full-blown allergy. As a celiac, I do not have an allergy, but eating gluten causes serious damage to my intestines, pain and other less palatable symptoms. When I am “glutened”, I like to think I know it (even if the research suggests it’s unlikely) because the symptoms are so manifest. But how can you travel all around the world, and be…

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