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Category: Good

Amanath and Ofadrin

Amanath and Ofadrin

This story is a part of a series. See Amanath and Hodor for another story in the series. There was once a man of incredible wealth and power. His name was Amanath. He was known throughout the village near which he lived. He could often be heard telling people about faraway lands where he was also known, and where the people also feared his power. No one in the village had ever seen these faraway lands, but they knew the…

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A letter from God, read to you

A letter from God, read to you

I have now published the most recent story as a video on YouTube. You can listen to this without viewing the video if you have YouTube Premium or live in a country without YouTube Premium available. Take a look and let me know what you think. Should I read more of my stories and publish them on YouTube?

A letter from God

A letter from God

I created the universe 14,000,000,000 years ago. It was a trivial thing. It took me barely a click of my finger. I created a singularity, you see, and then everything flowed from that. I am a patient being. I have existed forever, but only created the universe when I did on a whim. The readers of this document don’t need to know why. Nor what I was doing before. That’s part of my wonderful mystery. Go about your business, do…

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The negative spiral

The negative spiral

As the rain pattered against his hood, he hunched his shoulders, hoping to stop the icy rain from hitting his face. The coat was old and wasn’t as good at keeping out the rain as it had once been. The tired seams were more relaxed and the fabric itself was thinner. As he walked through the gloomy weather, along a street from-which the rain had sapped all the joy and life, he came across a woman. She smiled kindly, and…

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