Computer graphics

Computer graphics

I have recently been learning how to use WebGL to make some computer graphics. In the last six weeks I have progressed from simple wireframes, to lit, textured models, casting shadows etc. I thought it would be fun to show such an animation here. Every week what I have been able to produce has been improving, so I am excited to see what I am able to produce next week. I think, largely, what WebGL is capable of is only…

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Who shot first

Who shot first

I’ve not written about Star Wars publicly before, but I had a thought this morning, and felt it needed to be shared even though, I am sure, other people have noticed and thought the same thing. Note: Spoilers below this point.

What the world looks like

What the world looks like

If you’re like most people, you will have seen the image in this post and thought something like “Why is the world upside down?” If you’re particularly keen, you may have noticed that the countries in the extreme north are also smaller than usual. So: What am I up to?

Making your resumé / CV strong

Making your resumé / CV strong

When you’re at school or university, you often hear people talking about your resumé or Curriculum Vitae and it’s sometimes confusing. I’ve only been at school, you might think, what can I put on my resumé? This post attempts to give you some advice. Overall, remember this: The person reading your resumé is distracted, imperfect, and potentially lazy. Make sure you are giving them the information they need to know to be wowed, as clearly and as obviously as possible….

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Leaving the European Union – 31st of January 2020

Leaving the European Union – 31st of January 2020

This is not a political blog, and I do not intend it to become one, so this will not address the rights and wrongs of Brexit, nor my personal opinions. Instead, it focuses on answering the questions I hear a lot, especially from my fellow Americans. Background First, some background. The UK (the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) joined the European Communities (the EC) on 1st of January 1973. The European Communities were three different communities…

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Documenting code

Documenting code

One of the several C# programs I am working on at the moment were started while I was still learning to write complex programs. Until I am aging out of the workforce, I hope every program I write, is done while I am learning! The thing about learning as you write – especially as a full-stack developer – is that your later code is better organized, better designed, and more robust, than your earlier code. There are many, many advantages…

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On Tour board game

On Tour board game

Today only the On Tour board game app is available on Apple and Android for free. Take a look here: Note: Code and Copy is not receiving any benefits for promoting this free offer.

Proposed flag of the State of New Hampshire

Proposed flag of the State of New Hampshire

Yesterday, I posted a proposed flag of New Hampshire that meets some more of the good design principles of flag design. See that post for more information. Brian Cham made some comments about the design of my New Hampshire flag, which I think were quite right. My wife also suggested that it was not “flag-like”. Given a few hours of rumination, I have now modified that design slightly. I have added two more mountains, to make the “White Mountains”, plural,…

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Proposed flag of the State of New Hampshire

Proposed flag of the State of New Hampshire

The current New Hampshire state flag is not a good flag. This is my subjective opinion, but it is also backed up by guidelines and scores from across society. For example, the North American Vexalogical Society (NAVA) rated New Hampshire amongst the ten worst flags in North America (source). In order to assess the quality of flags, the NAVA check the flag’s design against five principles listed in Good Flag Bad Flag. In summary, they are: Keep it simple –…

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HTML – nostalgia

HTML – nostalgia

Recently I have been spending more time writing content for this website, and This has made me think about making websites in the early days. I started ‘blogging’ around 2002, long before platforms like WordPress, Blogger etc. became mainstream or particularly easy to use. I had FTP access to my website hosting, and I taught myself HTML (and later, CSS). Each post I wrote on my early blog was written directly in HTML, and I copied and pasted a…

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