Browsed by
Author: Gavin Ayling

Finding the other 2

Finding the other 2

This story can be read in isolation, or as a continuation of Finding the other. Asleep once more, Jake imagined some rockets onto his feet, and propelled himself up into the sky to get a better view. Beyond a giant wall was a flat, greenish ocean. Out on this green ocean was a house, and in that house was a door. Having destroyed the house that surrounded the door, he glided down to the ground, letting his rockets slow his…

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The Dream Board

The Dream Board

“Thank you for coming to this meeting of the Board,” Derenges said, with a laugh, “as if you had a choice.” The attendees nodded their ascent and murmured as one. The black obsidian table hung in the air, with its legs so small, and so well disguised, that it was possible to imagine that it floated, magically. One of the two guards, holding a pike, shifted slightly causing his armor to clank. “We have a long agenda today. There are…

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Finding the other

Finding the other

“So, it turns out we have always been able to get there. I haven’t worked out how, yet – that’s for others – but I know it’s real, and I can prove it.” Jake was talking to his friend in the bar, the evening after his discovery. We won’t meet his friend again, so I shall leave him nameless. You can call him “Fred” if that would make you happier, but I am not certain that that was his name….

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Hope bounded over the mountain, happy to be born Fumbling in her pockets, searching for a pen And on some paper she wrote out details of her predicament For her existence, temporal as it is Results in fruition or painful banishment



The clack of nearby keyboards washed over Toni. She sat there, briefly hypnotized by the sound. A voice – the words indistinct – said something into a phone in a nearby cubicle. The sound of the voice was muffled by the material on the cube’s wall. Toni scrolled through a Facebook feed which had not changed since she scrolled through it five seconds previously. She clicked on the next tab, and confirmed that the news headlines had also not changed….

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The wind howled across the desolate winter landscape of Iceland. No trees to limit its progress, but glaciers to cool it, made the bite vicious. And the longer Gary stood on the exposed top of the hill, the deeper the teeth sunk in. He dared, for a moment, to pull his glove forward to look at his watch, and slices of sharpened teeth dug into the gap between sleeve and glove. Gary knew he was waiting, but he didn’t remember…

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A Hopeless Life

A Hopeless Life

The heavy sky, burdened by the weight of piled clouds Loomed and threatened the labourers toiling on the exposed hillside A shaft of hope sprung forth and as suddenly was devoured Ominously, the supernatural preoccupied the hopeless souls Until from their earthly presence they were released

Amanath and Hodor

Amanath and Hodor

There was once a man of incredible wealth and power. His name was Amanath. He was known throughout the village that he lived near. He could often be heard telling people about faraway lands where he was also known, and where the people also feared his power. No one in the village had ever seen these faraway lands, but they knew the powerful man mentioned them often and felt that they could not challenge him. In the same village was…

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Observance – Part 1

Observance – Part 1

Ryan noticed that there was a lot going on in the world, that other people didn’t seem to see. Or perhaps they didn’t care? Whatever it was, it was like everyone else walked through the world with misted glasses. He didn’t think this was arrogance – he didn’t feel pride in this situation – he was just aware of it. Ryan would be in a shop, talking to the clerk while the air in the room moved in waves. The…

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