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Month: October 2022

Why you should vote for truth

Why you should vote for truth

There are a lot of criteria that people use to decide how to vote. This article explains why the GOP should never get your vote, and why you should vote for truth. There are a few key issues that define the political parties in the United States. One of those issues is abortion. The Republican Party in America claims to be “pro-life” because it is against legal abortions. This despite the science about the viability of fetuses, the way cells…

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Why is reading so hard to do?

Why is reading so hard to do?

Why is reading so hard to do? I don’t have a lot of answers for you, I have to be honest. But I want to think this through for myself, so – I thought – why not share my thinking publicly, and perhaps get some others’ opinions? A couple of weeks ago I went to a conference in another state and had to take a plane. While I was in the airport, flying between airports, waiting for my connecting flight,…

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